Akash Dhasade


PhD student at the EPFL, Switzerland

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Regular Expressions to Finite State Automatas in Haskell

Title Description
Project Paradigms of Programming
Team Members Nikhil Sharma
Mentor Dr.Sridhar Chimalakonda
Date March - April 2017


In this project, we built a regular expression to Finite State Automata converter in Haskell from scratch. Purpose of writing in Haskell is to exploit its functional features like higher order functions, lazy evaluation, pattern matching, immutablility, etc while understanding the fundamentals of code composition in a functional language. The code is concise, readable and is much shorter than any object oriented language like Java or C++.

Please find the instructions for running the code here.

Example DFA

GHCi, version 8.0.1: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Prelude> :l regToDfa.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( regToDfa.hs, interpreted )

regToDfa.hs:376:12: warning: [-Wtabs]
    Tab character found here, and in 19 further locations.
    Please use spaces instead.
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> main
Initial State:

States :

[] on c = []
[] on b = []
[] on a = []
[] on # = []
[3,6] on c = [8]
[3,6] on b = [3,6]
[3,6] on a = []
[3,6] on # = []
[8] on c = []
[8] on b = []
[8] on a = []
[8] on # = []
[1,3,6] on c = [8]
[1,3,6] on b = [3,6]
[1,3,6] on a = [1,3,6]
[1,3,6] on # = []

Final States:
